Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Java Performance Tuning - A practical approach

From time to time, java developers reach a phase where they hear “application is slow”, “one click takes so much time”, “unless you improve the performance, project is going to be scrapped” so and so. Normally, that’s the time when you have released the first version of your product. Product is running, but not fast enough up to expectations of end customers and marketing.

In my opinion, there are performances issues which all java developers needs to keep in their mind while coding. They are standard across platforms and there is only one solution. These are issues which are not practical to change when you are in performance tuning phase. This will have only marginal effect on total performance and need lot of changes as numbers of occurrences are more. But cumulative effect of all these tips might be drastic. In performance tuning phase, if we try to tackle those issues, we will land up rewriting the complete code. (This may not be a bad idea if you think the module is not written well).

So I would like to categorize performance issues to two types.

1. Performance tips during coding.
2. Performance tips after coding.

To read full article, click here.


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